Thursday, December 22, 2005

"Audio" on the Net

I have been hooked on to a lot of "audio" stuff on the web lately. Here is a list of stuff I found interesting and useful:

This has been a very useful find. It has the best collection of audio books on the Net. Try out the 14 day trial and I am sure you would like it.

Too bad if you dont know what a podcast is. It is after all the word of the year.

I have been trying out a lot of different podcasts. I find Twit, Businessweek interesting. Im trying out a lot of random stuff lately. I think it will be very useful for people who travel a lot or have to keep staring at their code to make their manager believe that they are working hard.

There are podcasts for everything under the sky.

Some Podcasting essentials:

iTunes: Has good support for podcasts and audio books.
IPodder, Odeo: Good sites to find podcasts of your interest.
Yahoo Podcast Search: Easy to find and download podcasts from search results

Please do let me know if you find any interesting stuff on podcasts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dei, do you know a way/hack to use google videos? It says that service is not available in india. :(