Friday, July 29, 2005

Happy Birthday DotComs

on Economist

Heartening to see some people think business do need MBAs to succeed ;-)

All successful online sites have had to reinvent themselves continually, points out Andrew McAfee of Harvard Business School. Only that way have they been able to evade predatory newcomers. “The only survivors,” he says, “are the ones whose managers are able to move on.” Mr Murphy says he has “an open mind about the future”—not the sort of strategic planning that traditional boards like to hear.

Most online successes began, as the myth requires, with a couple of geeks in a garage and were then taken over, sooner or later, by professional managers. Geeks are not generally good at moving on from the ideas they give birth to.

I somehow feel these guys are jumping the gun. I still believe the current web technologies have matured enough for us to be thinking of the next generation.

What might drive the next round of e-commerce business models? Mr Brynjolfsson says that two new technologies are already throwing up opportunities: mobile access to the internet and RFID tags, which enable the non-stop monitoring of the whereabouts of goods. Wharton's Mr Amit says that the old-fashioned offline world was one where producers said to customers: “I've made this; buy it from me at this price.” In the online world, customers are saying, “I want this; sell it to me at this price.” That is why these internet birthdays really are worth celebrating.

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