Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Google Adwords controversy

The controversy is basically about businesses buying Adwords for which their competitors hold Trademark rights to make their own ads appear when someone searches for the competitor's product.

Google loses trademark case in France on Cnet

The ruling comes on the heels of another French court order against Google, in a case brought by European chain Le Meridien Hotels and Resorts. In that lawsuit, the court said Google infringed on Le Meridien's trademarks by allowing the hotel chain's rivals to bid on keywords of its name and then appear prominently in those related search results.

Google faces trademark suit over keyword ads on Cnet

American Blind and Wallpaper Factory filed suit against the search giant and its partners, AOL and Netscape, in a New York federal court Tuesday. The suit claims Google's practice of selling text ads related to keyword search terms takes advantage of American Blind's trademarks, given that competitors' ads can appear on results pages turned up by searches for "American wallpaper" and "American blind."

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